The nose is the gateway to breathing.It has the functions of heating, humidifying and cleaning the inhaled air.If you suffer from rhinitis, rhinitis will affect the physiological function of the nasal cavity.People with rhinitis experience breathing difficulties, which can lead to lower blood oxygen levels.And, this will affect the function and metabolism of other tissues and organs.Prevention of rhinitis starts from daily life. Here are some suggestions of prevent rhinitis:

1. Nose Bath Exercise
2. Early Prevention And Treatment Of Respiratory Related Diseases
3. Keep Your Nose Healthy And Breathe Smoothly
Blow your nose properly
It is recommended to wash the nose with cold water throughout the year. Especially when washing your face in the morning, wash your nose several times with cold water. This improves the nasal mucosa and blood circulation, and enhances the ability of the nose to adapt to the weather. It can also prevent colds and respiratory diseases.
Avoid stuffing foreign objects or pollutants into the nasal cavity.
Keep the nasal cavity clean
Often make the nose moist
4. Pay Attention To Environmental Hygiene
- It is best to wash pillows and bedding with hot water every week. Avoid dust and fungal growth.
- Avoid excessively stimulating smells, such as mosquito coils, incense sticks, paints, detergents, etc. Wear a mask whenever possible when cleaning.
- If you already have pets, such as cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, mice, etc. Please clean the hair regularly.
- Avoid respiratory infections caused by inhaling pet hair.
- Avoid smoking and being in cigarette smoke or dirty air.
- People with skin allergies should avoid excessive use of detergents.
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